LADN Grant Program
The purpose of the LADN Grant Program is to help ease the financial burdens of dysautonomia patients living in LA and California. Our grants will help cover dysautonomia-related healthcare expenses (not covered by insurance) for dysautonomia patients in California who demonstrate financial need.
Applications for our 2024 Grant Program closed on October 14th and will re-open in fall 2025.
LADN 2024 Grant Program FAQs
Note: The 2024 Grant Program applications closed on October 14th and will re-open in fall 2025. Please sign up for the LADN Member email list for updates.
How much will grant recipients receive?
We anticipate awarding a total of 10 individuals with grants of $1,000.
Who can apply for a grant?
Any individual who meets the following eligibility criteria may apply:
Has a dysautonomia diagnosis by a licensed healthcare professional.
Resides in California (with at least 50% of grants awarded to residents of Los Angeles County).
Demonstrates financial need, as defined as annual household income at or below 350% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). (This number can be found on line 11 of Form 1040 on your 2023 tax return. A FPL calculator can be found here. Ex: 350% of FPL for a household of 1 = $52,710; 2 = $71,540; and 3 = $90,370 etc.) Note: If the applicant is a dependent, then these income requirements apply to the individual(s) claiming them as a dependent. If you are an adult disabled dependent and do not meet the eligibility criteria based on the tax information of the individual(s) claiming you, we encourage you to apply and ask that you explain your circumstance in the optional essay.
Has a social security number.
Has documentation of dysautonomia care-related expense(s).
Participation in the LADN community is not a requirement, but preference may be given to those that are active LADN community members.
Previous applicants are welcome to apply again. Previous grant winners are also welcome to reapply, however, priority may be given to those who have not received funding previously.
Don’t meet the eligibility criteria but feel like you should be considered? Please email us at!
When can I apply?
Applications will open 12:00am Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024 and will close at 11:59pm on Monday, October 14th, 2024. Applications may close earlier than October 14th in the event we reach our limit of 100 applicants.
When will I be notified if I was selected as a grant recipient?
Final determinations about grant recipients will be made by Friday, December 6th. All applicants will be notified by email about final selections.
How do I apply?
The grant application is online via JotForm and can be accessed here through Monday, October 14th, 2024. The application can be saved online in the event you wish to work on it over time.
Can I receive help with my application due to my dysautonomia/disability?
Absolutely! Someone else may complete the application on your behalf. Additionally, audio/video responses may be submitted as responses to the application’s essay questions. The recording from our September 16th workshop on applying is available to watch here. We will also host virtual office hours for any last minute questions on Sunday, October 13th from 12-1pm PST.
Will my information be kept private?
LADN takes your privacy very seriously. The application is stored on Jotform's HIPPA compliant servers. LADN staff are the only people with access to the full applications and will redact identifying information before sharing applications with grant selection committee members. Your name will not be shared as a winner unless you choose to make such information public.
How will selections be made about grant recipients?
A selection committee will be responsible for selecting the grant recipients through several rounds of reviewing applications. Identifying and demographic information will be redacted from applications during the selection process for privacy and to ensure selections are made without bias or discrimination.
Selections will be made based on the following:
Dysautonomia Impact: Applicant articulates their experience with dysautonomia and the impact dysautonomia has had on their life.
Need for Support: Applicant demonstrates an exceptionally compelling need for support.
Dysautonomia Care Plan: Applicant identifies how the grant award will directly support their dysautonomia care.
Spending Plan: Applicant provides clear and detailed explanation for how the grant award will be spent (including documentation).
For final selections of grant recipients, preference may be given to those that are active members of the LADN community. Additionally, at least 50% of grant funds will go to residents of LA County with the remainder going to residents across the state of California.
LADN is committed to inclusivity and diversity and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, age, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, comorbid illnesses, political affiliation, or intersectionalities of identity.
What type of dysautonomia care expenses can the grant be applied toward?
Grants can be used toward any dysautonomia healthcare related expenses that are not covered by insurance including but not limited to:
health insurance premiums
infusion expenses
inpatient/outpatient medical treatment
laboratory facility expenses
mobility aids or other assistive devices
prescription costs
PT / OT / cardiac rehab
Ineligible expenses include: General food expenses (excluding supplements, electrolytes, medically-directed nutrition, etc.), rent, general automobile expenses (excluding direct travel costs to/from medical appointments), and other expenses not directly related to medical treatment are not eligible. Please email us to inquire if a specific expense is eligible.
Who is on the Grant Selection Committee?
We are so grateful for the volunteers joining our efforts this year! Our 2024 Grant Selection Committee includes:
Barbara Faze (LADN Board Member & Dysautonomia Parent)
Candi Graves (Marketing Director at NormaLyte)
Tobi Harper Petrie (LADN Board Member & Deputy Director of Red Hen Press)
Casey Jagusch (Professor of Education and Chair of Pasadena’s Accessibility & Disability Commission)
Sally Krueger-Wyman (LADN Executive Director & Dysautonomia Patient)
Jo Libaw (Emergency Physician & Community Volunteer)
Becky Nelson (LADN Volunteer & Dysautonomia Patient)
Austin Nicassio (Spacecraft Engineer & Dysautonomia Patient)
Emily Suñez (LADN Outreach Director, Educator, & Dysautonomia Patient)
Who can I email with questions?
Please email us with questions!
Feedback from LADN’s 2023 Grant Recipients
“I am so grateful to the LADN Grant Selection Committee. This grant gives me a reprieve of having to figure out how to make ends meet - seeing where I can cut costs - or having to ask for help financially. It helps take a burden off my shoulder and allows me to breathe for a minute. I wish I could better put into words how much this grant helps me - but all I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
“For me having dysautonomia has created an almost constant state of fear and anxiety with thoughts like “how bad is this going to get?”, “how am I going to do this living alone?”, and the BIGGEST is “how am I going to afford the lifestyle modifications, medications and other recommendations made by my doctors?” I’ve felt a lot of helplessness and hopelessness. This grant gives me some relief from that stress and anxiety knowing that I can now take steps to help improve my health, wellbeing, safety and quality of life.”
“I will be putting this grant to good use immediately. This generous gift will help offset my costs for my medical necessities such as bills and co-pays that have piled up for high-cost medications, bi-monthly IVIG infusions, as well as my BiPap machine. This grant will make a huge impact on my holidays and will lift some of the financial burden, allowing me to enjoy a stress-free season. Thank you again for making a huge impact and for all that you do for LADN and the chronic illness community.”